What is SEO? How to rank Website on Google? - FlashByte

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is used to rank our website/blog or video on Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)


Whenever we create a website or a blog, we have to publish it on the internet. So that people across the world can access our website/blog and can get the product or services we are offering them. But it is only possible when people will find the website/blog on the result page.

So initially when we create our website, unfortunately, it'll not rank on Google, Bing, or other search engines. Though it is there on the internet, but to access your website, people have to type the full domain name of your website which obviously doesn't feels good.

Eg. flashbyteofficial.blogspot.com

So if you've created your website/blog and you want to rank it on Google then you must have the proper knowledge of SEO.

So to rank your website/app read the below article to know more about how to rank your website/blog on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

What is SEO?

SEO is just a method to optimise your website or blog to increase the traffic (readers) from Search Engine's Organic Results.

Search Engine Optimization can also be defined as a method to increase the chances to obtain the first page ranking through various techniques such link building, SEO title tags, content optimization, meta description and keyword research.

With the help of SEO a website owner can get traffic from free, organic, editorial or natural search results in search engines.

Now let's deeply understand how can we optimise our content for SEO and what ranking factors actually matters?

But if we want to know that, first we need to understand how Search Engines Work?

What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is a computer program that searches the internet/web for sites or pages based on our keyword search terms. The search engine then takes our keyword and returns the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) with a list of sites connected to our searched keyword.

The prime goal of almost all the website owners is to appear in the first SERP for the most popular keywords related to their business. The keyword ranking for any site is very important because the higher the site ranks in result pages, the more people will see your content.

All the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. uses huge and numerous computers in order to search through the large quantities of data and information all across the web.

Web Search Algorithms

In Computer Programming language, an algorithm is defines a collection of well defined instruction to solve a particular problem.

Let's take an example to better understand algorithms

Algorithm to add 2 numbers 👇

1.  Take two number inputs.
2.  Add the numbers using + operator.
3.  Display the result.

Different search engines uses different alogrithms in order to search and rank the pages which are highly relevant to our search query.

Relevancy is the key of online search engines. Usears naturally prefers search engines that provides them the best and relevant results.


In the above article I've told you about Search Engines through which an individual can rank his/her website on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Specifically, I've told you about some ⭐ SEO terms like (Indexing, Crawling, Spider, Googlebot, etc.)

After then I've written a brief description about Search Engine Optimization and how exactly it works on the web and at the end you'll get to know about algorithm in super easy language.

I hope this article helps you understand and tackle the problems related to web and search engine optimization.

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